Wednesday, January 14, 2015

6 Years Ago

The last time I posted here was January of 2009. Crazy! Life was a very different animal altogether back then. Although I was about 20 lbs thinner and 6 years younger, I like 2015 much better.

So many events have flown through my head in the few seconds I've sat here thinking, "6 years!?" and I wonder how different life will be 6 years from now.

Okay, so enough deep thoughts with LeeLee. 2015 is going to be much different than 2014 because tomorrow I begin the 6 food elimination diet. I am not dieting to lose weight, I have Eosinophilic Esophagitis and studies have shown the elimination diet helps. There will be a post later, when I feel like explaining, but for now it's enough to say that my whole way of eating has to change. Drastically. No Soy, Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Nuts or Fish/Shellfish.

I can't really wrap my head around it. No PB and J sandwiches? No PB cookies, No cinnamon toast, No Pizza?

3 months is the total elimination period, then I will reintroduce one food every 6 weeks. If I counted corrected, this basically lasts through Dec of this year.

So today begins the journey. This blog will be about more than just that, but with food being such a huge part of my life, I imagine, this new way of eating will be a big part of this blog.

Stay tuned!

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