Food is/was such a big part of the social part of life, at least in my circle. We gather, we eat. We watch tv, we eat, we play board games, we eat, we travel, we eat. In fact, any road trip, with my family (mom, aunt, sisters), starts with a sausage biscuit or the like. We pack snacks to eat in the car, we plan where we will eat at our destination, we have snacks for the hotel room, and sometimes we even buy food as souvenirs.
It's been over two weeks since I eliminated wheat, eggs, milk, soy, nuts/peanuts, and fish/shellfish and while I have figured out what to eat at home, eating anywhere else is still a bit daunting.. This past week, we had an overnight trip to Dallas for my mom's doctor's appointments, and beforehand I was totally obsessed with what I was going to eat while I was gone.
I made out of this world protein bars (a post on that later), packed avocados, rice cakes, apples, pears, tangerines, oatmeal, prunes, sunbutter, water, as well as a knife, spoon and bowl. I was prepared for the apocalypse.

We ended up at a mexican restaurant for dinner and my planned meal of fajita meat went out the door when the manager, who was graciously working with me, informed me that it was marinated in soy. I couldn't even have the corn tortilla chips because of what they were fried in. The manager ended up having the kitchen whip up what turned out to be THE BEST meal I have had in quite a while. Fresh avocado, basically how I do it at home, with cilantro, lime and salt, but they brought me the most amazing corn tortillas, plus their phenomenal salsa and fresh tomatoes! I was a bit stuffed when I left, but comfortably so. In the past, after leaving a mexican restaurant I would have been miserable after eating a least a whole basket of chips myself, plus whatever else I stuffed down in the main course.
Many people expressed sympathy when they heard the news of my impending food/life change, and yes, I admit, I acted as if I were going waste away on a deserted island.If this is life without food, then I'll take that meal every day of the week! :)